LookSouth Road Trip September 2023 - Part 3: Breathe Cottage, Uniondale

LookSouth Road Trip September 2023 – Part 3: Breathe Cottage, Uniondale

This is part of a series of posts following the LookSouth Road Trip from September 2023. Click here to read Part 1.

Uniondale is a small agricultural town with seven national monuments in the Little Karoo in the Western Cape Province, formed in 1856 by the joining of two towns – Hopedale and Lyons. It’s primary claim to fame is the ghost story of the Uniondale hitchhiker. In stormy weather in 1968 a young engaged couple had a car accident on the Barandas-Willowmore road around 20 kms from the town. The woman, Maria Charlotte Roux, was sleeping in the back seat of their Volkswagen Beetle when her fiancé lost control of the car. 

The car overturned and she was killed.

The first reported sighting of a ghost matching her description occurred during 1976, and since then many other sightings have been reported. All involve a female hitchhiker who is given a lift, then disappears a few kms down the road, and some have reported car doors opening and closing, laughter and a chill in the air.

LookSouth Road Trip September 2023 - Part 3: Breathe Cottage, Uniondale
Breathe Cottage
LookSouth Road Trip September 2023 - Part 3: Breathe Cottage, Uniondale
Outdoor Sauna

We stayed at the quaint Breathe Cottage situated on 480ha of rehabilitated veld comprising Renoster Veld and Succulent Karoo on the outskirts of Uniondale. Small numbers of Springbuck, Gemsbuck, Zebra, Red Hartebeest, Blesbuck and naturally occurring small game such as Klipspringer and Duiker are found on the estate.

Surrounded by the splendour of the magnificent Swartberg, Kammanassie and Outeniqua mountains, the views were breathtaking with plenty of areas to hike.

The focus of the owners is the conservation and rehabilitation of the naturally occurring vegetation.

LookSouth Road Trip September 2023 - Part 3: Breathe Cottage, Uniondale
Hiking on the Breathe Cottage property

Click here to continue reading Part 4 of the story